Tusisimuke – Umoja

Church and community Mobilisation  also known as UMOJA is a community-capacity building program aimed at equipping the local church with the knowledge and tools to implement  Holistic development programs in their own communities. We believe that the local churches can be good development partners. The local churches have strong relationships with the community and already possess some of the infrastructures needed to carry out development activities. Most importantly, church leaders and congregants already possess the motivation and passion to care for those in need. With the proper training and support, they can be great candidates to carry out well-structured development work in their communities.

We believe that the  UMOJA program can  inspire and help other communities to replicate successful Kitega programs, and to expand our impact and reach.

To learn more about this program and how you can get involved, please contact us.


“I was delighted to see first hand the impact of the church and community mobilisation process. You can sense the Holy Spirit moving. The signs are everywhere – the excitement of the children in school, the pride of the women at work and the income generation from the emerging businesses. It’s all about education and economic empowerment to deliver transformation.” Clive Mather – Tearfund

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