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October newsletter updates 2019

Greetings from all of us at Kitega Centre Uganda, 2019 is coming to an end, great thanks to all our friends and well-wishers who have journeyed with us from the start of this year. You have all made the work of Kitega possible.

Be a Miracle:

The 2019 Christmas giving is special; our target is to raise GBP 10,000 by 22nd December 2019. The funding will help accomplish several key projects for 2019, buy Christmas gifts for the Center children and also support the party preparations.

Here is our miracle box at the Kitega Centre, learn more about tge Miracle giving and consider being a miracle this christmas: Read More Here

The children at the Centre are to participate in the deaf Christmas Celebrations organized at National level, this will call for our support for them to get in involved; and this is another opportunity to be a miracle this Christmas; Joining the celebration at the National Theatre on 16th December 2019, or supporting a family to attend the special event in Kampala.

Meaningful Patnerships

Deaf Development Foundation team visiting the Kitega Centre 


Children Ministry

The past weeks have been filled with several activities all aimed at equipping the children with different skills.

The progress is promising and this continues to expose the abilities of the children involved.

Carpentry group are busy in the workshop.





Reading, literacy, numeracy and social skills for most of the children are improving, and we are thankful for all those that have made the work of the Kitega Centre possible.

                          The reading group took a group photo together.


Children that have problems coming to the centre are now able to attend the centre twice a week, thanks to the Centre transport provision.

Thomas, Jonathan ,Frank and Kizito who had are some of the children that are able to come to the centre at least twice a week.


Umoja house

The first phase of the Umoja house project is underway, and we are hopeful that the phase will be completed before the end of 2019.

Umoja House will provide community space for meetings, vocational training for the children and will also provide employment for the children that graduate at the Kitega Centre.


Functional adult literacy (FAL)

Functional Adult Literacy is extending to more communities, a new (Kayanja community0 launched the program that will equip several illiterate adults with functional skills.



Prison Ministry.

The local Church mission volunteers gathered at the Kitega Centre for a prayer breakfast, The annual prayer breakfast is an opportunity for fellowship, encouragement and praying together. Several stories and experiences were shared.

Currently the centre in partnership with the local church is reaching out to five prisons.


Fellowship and praying together built.


VICOBA Ministry.

VICOBA members are excited and looking forward to their maize mill expected to operate before the close of 2019. The VICOBA executive are working very hard to accomplish this project and we are so thankful for all that are making this a reality.


Volunteers at the Centre


We have had two volunteers from Spain in the past weeks;

Amparo a software engineer and Joan a Professor of Chemistry who purposed to take on early retirement to be able to come back to the Kitega Centre.

Amparo worked with the children and staff while Joan has focussed on the deaf children to improve on their numeracy and has also been to the local schools showing different experiments to primary pupils with basic science.

“The beauty of visiting the Centre, you learn and experience a lot of different thing first, how to use some tools” says Joan.

Linda Hopper is currently conducting counselling sessions for selected community members and will soon end her year long volunteering at the Kitega Centre at the start of December 2019.



Thank you so much!!! A happy new month.

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