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Christmas 2019 – Be the Miracle!

This Christmas; be the miracle and the light that changes everything!

Christmas 2019 is here and it is that time of the year to join the centre and extend the love and joy Christmas brings with so many that may have no opportunity celebrate Christmas.

This year’s Christmas Celebration is scheduled for the 22nd December 2019  in Kasokoso community, at the VICOBA maize mill ground.

The Kitega Centre Christmas is made possible by several friends and well-wishers from allover the world (both local and international), the Christmas giving makes the celebration organisation possible and also works as a good opportunity for advocacy and awareness.

Over 1000 people are expected to attend the event in Kasokoso, and this celebration will mark the end of the 20th anniversary of the Kitega Centre.

Be the Miracle:

The 2019 Christmas giving is special; our target is to raise GBP 10,000 by 22nd December 2019. The funding will help accomplish several key projects for 2019, buy Christmas gifts for the centre children and also support the party organisation.


Key Projects:

The VICOBA Maize mill: This is a VICOBA idea that will improve the lives of several farmers in the communities served by the Centre. The Maize mill is expected to start operating in early November 2019, and just needs a little push to get the building ready.  Once it starts operating, we expect to witness improved; livelihoods, food security among others, we are all looking forward to enjoying the VICOBA Flour, and you can be a miracle to make this happen.


Umoja House: The First phase of the Umoja house community project is underway and once Umoja house is completed, we expect to have more space to facilitate community development activities.  More community space means; that people can come and have meetings, training and retreats at the centre without interfering with other schedules, children with disabilities that have graduated will also have the opportunity to be employed by the bakery and the tailoring section that will be housed in the Umoja house, the deaf children will; have a special room to encourage learning and storage of their materials, a community resource centre to equip community leaders with information that facilitates development among others. Completion of the first phase will be a miracle, and you can be the miracle this Christmas.

The Funding will also contribute to:

The Bumu VICOBA (Pioneer VICOBA group comprised of Grandmothers) sustainability project.

Twin 10 latrines for the disadvantaged.

Buy Mattresses and blankets for some of our new children at the centre.

Support the deaf children at the centre to participate in the Silent Christmas organised at National level

The Annual kids festival that is going to be organised at the Kitega Centre on Christmas eve.


Be a Miracle this Christmas  – Make it Happen!


You can donate through the Kitega Page Paypal button and please remember to indicate  “Kitega Miracle Christmas gift”

If you are in Uganda you can also contact us on +256700158329 for mobile money contributions.


And if you are in the UK there is gift aid for your donation , Follow the  link here:


You are donating to : Kitega Community Center

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