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The local church – A strategic development partner

The church is with the people everyday, and has the potential to stir community development.

For the last nine months the Kitega Centre has been working with six new churches in different communities, envisioning and equipping the local church to embrace integral mission.

To many in the community, church is a place that they go for a service every Sunday, and they are built spiritually.

Others had given up church because they felt God had forgotten them, and he only answered other people’s prayers.

These are some of the many views that people had about the church before we started the CCM process.

When we started the church and community mobilization in these communities, the church leaders were encouraged and inspired to change the way they were ministering. The need to preach the gospel in word and deed was key and many welcomed the idea.

The Church and community mobilization process envisions and equips the church to address the needs of its community. Using various bible studies, the church continues to understand its role in serving the needy and facilitating Holistic development following Jesus Christ as the role model.

There are several testimonies in the communities served.

All the six churches in the six communities have started up development initiatives that are addressing community issues.

The projects initiated include:

Functional Adult Literacy: Over 200 people are now receiving fictional adult literacy. Learning skills that will help them in carrying out different activities.

Community Resource Banking: Over 200 people are receiving Community Resource Banking training, to facilitate dreaming, collective action and transformation.

Water and Sanitation: improving access to clean water, construction of latrines and proper waste management in communities. One of the community partners is a church on the Island if lake Victoria, they have embarked on constructing a latrine that will be used by Over 1000 people and reduce Sanitation related problems.

Agriculture projects

Supoort for orphans and Vulnerable children  – this includes children with disabilities among others

Churcjes are leading the development initiatives without religious prejudice, giving everyone an opportunity to witness the gospel in action.



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