Dreams, Collective action, Transformation
The last few weeks have been full of learning. The Kitega Centre is expanding VICOBA to six new communities.
The new communities are all Kitega Centre partners in the church and community mobilization process.
What does VICOBA mean:
The VICOBA facilitators have been in all the six communities equipping community members with the relevant skills to run successful VICOBA programs.
What is VICOBA/COREB and what is involved involved?
Helping participants to dream. It is not just about dreaming, but helping people articulate and develop their dreams to help them realize their full potential.
Once communities have dreams, then hope is alive and at this point it is possible to deal with the mindset that makes many think they cannot do it.
Community members also realize that they cannot achieve their dreams in isolation. To achieve your dream, you need to help others achieve their dreams.
Collective action:
The need to work collectively is evident if people are to achieve their dreams. Here the community members are helped to come up with a shared dream that helps them work together.
Every member is an asset and this is the starting point for them to realize the locally available resources that can get them started on the journey to acheiving their dreams.
In the short and mid term we expect to see transformation.
People lifting themselves out of poverty and effectively ustilising locally available resources to achieve their full potential.
To facilitate this action, there is need to equip people with skills and knowledge to make it happen; business skills, financial literacy etc are some of the skills.
So what is Community Resource Banking:
(Shared dreams + Collective Community Action) Empowerment = Transformation/Development
Yes, Community Resource Banking is not a micro credit initiative, it is about people being empowered and realizing their full potential.
We are excited to bring this to the six new communities under the Tusisimuke Community Initiative..