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Christmas 2017- Share the joy!

Christmas 2017 is here. The Kitega Centre will celebrate this year’s Christmas with a party on 22nd December 2017.

The celebration will bring together all the beneficiaries and stakeholders of the Kitega Centre. This year we expect to have about 700 people attending the party and the majority will be children that the Centre serves.

Many people do not get to experience the true meaning of Christmas because of several challenges.

Call to join the Kitega Centre this Christmas!

We want to share the joy of Christmas with many this year. The children with disabilities and their families, orphans and Vulnerable children, community stakeholders among others.

Your gift will help us share Christmas with over 700 people, buy basic needs for orphaned and Vulnerable children, buy 150 pairs of shoes for many children that attend school without shoes, among others.

Christmas is about sharing hope and Joy that the Savior brings, and we can make it happen.


What do we need:To make Christmas 2017 a success, the Kitega Centre needs to raise $3000 by 30th November 2017.

To make a contribution please use the donation buttons on the website and in the message write Christmas 2017.



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