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New year greetings!

During the pandemic, Gertrude’s house was blown away by a heavy storm, she was homeless and all hope was gone.Because of the difficult times, her local VICOBA group was able to set up a temporary structure for her to stay with her grandchildren.But today she celebrates hope; she now has

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Kitega in the News

Washington — The Kitega Community Centre in rural Uganda has emerged as a global model for volunteer networking, capturing a top United Nations award for online volunteering in each of the last two years. When its coordinator, David Clemy, took over the center, which focuses on local health issues, he

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Children and Poverty

In Uganda, Kitega village’s main activity is agriculture; however, the standard of living remains low due to unemployment and poverty. Children are therefore, neglected and not given the attention and care they need and deserve. Environment plays a crucial role in the development of children’s brains. According to the Guardian,

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September 2015 Update

CHILDREN ACTIVITIES “They are beautiful each with a story, hands for holding and hearts for loving” Lindsey Nakawooya Pellitierri There has been a plethora of Children activity over the past few months and no bulletin can be so detailed to narrate it all. We hope to give you a tip

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Building a Culture of Savings

In Trinidad and Tobago (and other islands), in addition to traditional banking, we have an informal, community-based form of saving called “sou-sou” where a group of family members, neighbors, friends or co-workers come together to pool their funds.  In the French language, “sou” is used as slang for “a small

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