Quarterly Update – April 2022
Greetings from the Kitega Community Centre, we are thankful that we are open and continue to serve the Kingdom.
The last quarter has had several activities, and we are excited to share some in this quarterly update:
Children with disabilities:
The Government of Uganda finally opened schools at the start of the year.
The centre also opened up learning for the children, they were very excited to be back after a long period of time.
Life returned to the centre, and we are encouraged to have them back.
The lockdown retarded most of the skills and learning that was acquired for several years. Tye parents and guardians didn’t do much in progressing this because; they felt they were not good enough to teach their children and others were dealing with other social and economic problems during the pandemic.
The team at the centre did its best to reach out to the children during the lockdown.
We have so many children on the waiting list to be admitted, unfortunately our capacity right now is not sufficient to take on more.
Since Febuary 2022, the centre fully opened up all its programs, inspiring and bringing hope to many.
Community Schools:
Our support to community schools has been vital in helping them reopen.
Katungulu school opened and registered over 200 children.
The pandemic changed children’s mindsets about school, but the centre and the community leaders in Katungulu have encouraged parents and guardians to send their children back to school.
We have provided administrative and scholastic support to make education accessible for the pupils of Katungulu.
The school management is currently in a process of registering the school with the District, this will support its growth and make partnership with the centre smoother.
The regional impact report for VICOBAplus will be shared in the next quarter.
We are so thankful for all the communities under this model.
During the pandemic, “Umoja” was evident, and this spirit of community is what makes VICOBAplus unique.
As several people waited on the government and development organisations to reachout during the pandemic, the VICOBAplus groups had already reached out to some of the most vulnerable in the community with the little they had.
The women are now taking the lead in community development and greatly contributing to their families.
A community lens in setting up projects and businesses is preferred especially after the pandemic, as people restart their businesses many individuals are coming together.
And we also witness some peace in homes, the counseling and gender aspects in the model are have encouraged respect and dignity for every individual.
Our new VICOBAplus group is the “SIlent VICOBA”
Derrick our sign language instructor is building the deaf community, they all come and meet at the centre.
At the start of the year, they decided to form the group which currently has 13 members – and more are yet to join.
“This is the most exciting group, we all have lessons to learn from them” – Daudi
Surprisingly many young women with disabilities are suffer silently, many in relationships are abused and are not enjoying their rights, the group will be an opportunity to create a forum were the centre can address these challenges with a focus on people with disabilities.
Katungulu Medical Centre:
Finally we have progress at the health centre, the roof is on!
The community is excited and we cannot wait to have the health centre operating in the next quarter.
We hope that the centre will start by providing the basic treatment, and expand to all other services with time.
So thankful for the provision that is making all this possible.
Our friends and volunteers, the Patrons, and administration of the centre, they have all done a great job.
But the community of Katungulu too, this is not the Centre’s idea, it is a community dream coming to life.
Community projects:
Farming and food conservation research continues in partnership with the university Politecnica Valencia Spain.
In February a team from the University – worked with model farmers from various communities, exploring different food production and conservation techniques at local level.
Several community groups have mobilized support to help in farming, we have distributed seeds and capital to support farming through the centre platfoms like VICOBAplus etc
Jesus from Spain – under the University has been doing his internship at the centre for the last three months.
Umoja House:
Some bricks have been added to the foundation of this Community House, we expect that once the building is done, we will have more community space to do lots of activities. With the growth in services at the centre, we have run out of space and if the weather is not good then so many programs suffer.
The facility will house a modern community Library, bakery, Community hall, vocational training block and develop a cottage industry for the children and women to do tailoring, a deaf learning section, among others.
The centre Team:
The centre team has been working tirelessly to make it happen.
Under the leadership of Otim James – our team leader we are thankful for all that they are doing.
Edith, Milly, Joyce, Derrick have made learning and welfare possible at the centre. Joel and Miiro are doing a lot to support the Centre’s community initiatives.
The executive committee, Board, Trustees and Patrons – thank you.
The international family, supporters and friends we are highly idebted
This is the team that is making work at the centre possible, and as we have learnt from the VICOBA model, walking together as a community gives us hope and makes the work of the centre possible.
We thank God for the Centre team!