Prayers for the future of Kitega – Nicky and Jane King
Dear Kitega Supporter,
Hopefully we in the developed world are emerging from two years of Covid hibernation and looking out at a changed world still nervous about pandemics, climate change, digital metaverses and new economic and geopolitical tensions. Of course we need to pray about such things but I thought it might be good also if we could prayerfully consider how these things will affect our friends at the Kitega Community Centre – and also how Kitega might have something to influence the world for better?
Uganda shares our common global issues but in addition faces more local challenges such as China’s increasing sway, the rise of Islam, the blessings and curses of developing oil fields, charges of human abuses in an ageing government and a rapidly increasing population. It also has great agricultural and green energy resources which it can share with the world but perhaps it has something more to contribute. What might this be? What if the real strength of Kitega lies not so much in its staff and buildings or even its social and educational programmes? What if Kitega’s real strength lies in the motivation that lies behind its work? What is this you ask? Well, Silas Musoke’s original vision for Kitega twenty five years ago was to ‘sensitise people to value disabled children as made in the image of God’. Not so much to educate minds as we in the West would see it, but to sensitise hearts. Call it the Kitega ethos – a blend of Christian faith together with an Umoja culture (I am because we are) saturated with God’s love. This is what gives rise to empathy with the disadvantaged and a passion for justice. It might be that the half-built Umoja house may never be completed now in terms of bricks and cement but instead, it might be built in the hearts of many people both in Uganda and in the West. Is this not what the West desperately needs?
So, as we founders of Kitega pass into the oldie generation, can you pray that those who will take Kitega into the future will be given a vision wider than bricks and minds, a vision of sensitising the hearts of men and women in valuing and really loving their neighbours as themselves? Our Western world is increasingly becoming more egocentric in what might be seen as a TIM culture – ‘This Is Me!’- whereas Kitega perhaps can share a more Christian ethos of HAY – ‘How Are You?’
Blessings and Shalom, Nicky King, a co-founder and former Patron of the Kitega Community Centre.