Reflections 2020

2020 has certainly been a strange and unprecedented year for everyone. When I think back to this time last year and the first few rumours were coming out about a new virus in China, I doubt if anyone would have believed what lay in store. I wonder what we would have done differently if we had known what was to come.
One of the things I have missed most this year is being able to hug friends and family. I am especially missing being able to hug my gorgeous new nephew Isaac. In a year where so many people have struggled with loss and grief, whether that be the loss of income or education or the loss of a loved one, having the support of friends and family is vital.
As Christians we are called not only to love one another (John 13:34-35, 1 John 4:7-8) but also to look out for each other and to help those in need (Philippians 2:4, Matthew 25: 35-36).
We have been so encouraged to hear of the tireless work everyone at the Kitega Centre has been involved with over this last year. In the face of tough government restrictions and global uncertainty the Kitega Centre has continued to show God’s abounding love through the delivery of food parcels, the provision of clean, safe water, the provision of physical and emotional support to those who are struggling with the impact from Covid-19 and all the surrounding restrictions through the Tuwone project. Putting Covid aside this year the Centre has been involved with the first DEAF road race, it has brought about the addition of an incubator for the poultry project, the VICOBA maize mill continues to expand, hosted a women’s sports day and work has started on the Ebenezer health Centre.
While we may have spent a year being told to keep our distance from others thankfully God does not keep his distance from us. Despite all the challenges of 2020 the Kitega Community Centre has continued to flourish. Just as baby Isaac has been our shining light and a reminder of God’s faithfulness and promises I am sure that the work of everyone at the Kitega Centre has brought light and hope to all they have worked with over this year.
Sending love and hugs to all.
God Bless
Jenny 2021