Easter Greetings
Easter Greetings from all of us at the Kitega Centre,
The Centre has been very quiet for the last weeks as the country is experiencing a total lockdown to curb Covid-19 Pandemic. We have been doing our best to inspire and encourage all the beneficiaries of the centre and other vulnerable groups during this time.
We thankful for all the prayers and support that have enabled us to be a Blessing during this time.
The Vicoba Maize mill has been operating for the past weeks providing quality maize flour during this time of lockdown.
2019 Annual Report:
“Uganda is experiencing a total lock down. Everyone has been asked to stay home and stay away from his job and observe an ‘unsocial distance’ from his neighbour as a way of curbing the virus. Offices, businesses, shops and income generating projects have been mandatory closed. People’s jobs have been classified as unessential for the health of the country. The government has classified a few classes of people as essential workers. These include doctors, care-givers, nurses, pharmacists and journalists. The rest of us have been asked to stay home and stay safe. At such a hard time in the history of man-kind, people in many European cities are taking off a few minutes each night to come together in gratitude for those that are giving their lives to serve the diseased and those that are suffering. I have read and seen them stand at open windows or on balconies, singing, cheering and applauding the essential workers of their community that are giving everything to cause a difference in the lives of those that need the care. Sadly, some of the essential workers have lost their lives in the process of saving the lives of others. I believe that their labour is not in vain…” the Founders
You can read the full annual report, Click here