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Christmas 2018

Christmas 2018 is here, and the Kitega Centre Christmas party is scheduled for 23rd December 2018 in Makindu Village,.

The Christmas party is a special occasion for the Centre to celebrate and share the joy of Christmas. The party is also an opportunity to celebrate and be thankful for the year.

The Centre Centre children, and community members are all looking forward to this big day.

Makindu VICOBA is leading the organisation this year and over 1000 people will join the celebration.

At the Christmas party we have Christmas songs from the children and the community, a Christmas message, a warm descent Christmas meal is provided, gifts, entertainment and it is also time to hear stories and celebrate the achievements of the year.

Join us as we share the joy this Christmas; several friends join us each year to make this event successful and we invite you to participate in this year’s Christmas celebration.

Let’s make it happen!!

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