UMOJA House – Celebrating the Kitega Centre
In June/July 2000, the Kitega Community Centre dream was birthed to help support children with disabilities and sensitise the community about disability.
The Centre started looking for these children in the community, bringing them under a big mango tree at Kawolo Primary School.
In 2010, the centre moved to it’s new home in Kitega, constructing a classroom block,and later a kitchen and dining to serve the children and the wider community.
The Kitega community Centre has grown from just providing services to children with disabilities,and now reaches and serves the wider community as one of the sensitization tools to help the community appreciate and respect children with disabilities;
In 2019, the Kitega Centre will be celebrating 20 years; “20 years of the Kitega dream” and in doing so, the communities and stakeholders of the Kitega Centre are all coming together to put up a new building project: “The Umoja House”
Umoja is a Swahili word with several translations all relating to unity; Together, oneness, Community etc
The work of the Centre is more about sensitizing hearts (not educating because we believe that the community members are the experts of their situation) and building strong and sustainable community to address local issues.
Today the Kitega Centre is serving over 22 communities in Uganda, the Umoja House project will bring all the communities and stakeholders to work together.
The Umoja House will provide:
Tailoring Section: A small cottage factory to house the tailoring section that will offer training and employment to the children with disabilities and some women from the community. At the moment the tailoring is done outside in the Centre compound. In addition the section will have knitting and embroidery.
Bakery: This will further develop the bakery idea, with a section allocated for the bakery, the expection will be that some of the children and community members will be employed at the Centre. Some of the older students are already making use of the baking skills acquired, a bakery at the Centre will help
Community Resource Centre: There is so much need of resources in the communities; schools, churches etc all need access to information, the resource Centre will expand the small community library and avail more space for more resources to be added.
Childcare: There will be a section that will offer Daycare services to young children in the community, providing employment to the caretakers, above all supporting the children as they grow to be part of the wider community.
A community hall for the community; currently the Centre uses the children’s dining hall for community events and workshops, this is now too small for the community Centre, and it also means that the children have no proper dining facility if there is an event.
Let’s make it Happen:
This is a very ambitious project that the Kitega Centre is undertaking and requires about £52,000 to accomplish. We have already raised £4,000, howevrr to start on this project we need to raise an extra £12,000.
Our hope is to get the UMOJA house ready for Summer 2019.
Let’s all join to create more community space and facilities to enable a healthy inclusive community in which everyone is living a dignified life.
To downate please use the donate button on the website homepage.