September 2017 -Update
The last few months have been filled with activity at the Kitega Centre.
The children continue to register remarkable progress.
Sign language: It is almost a year since we started offering professional sign language education to the deaf students. Shamin, Robert, Brian are doing well and can now communicate using basic sign language, the teachers, guardians and some children have also participated in the classes. In the next twelve months, we are thankful to our supporters that are making this possible for two years.
Vocational training: At the end of 2017, the centre will graduate six students. The students with disabilities will be equipped with different skills that will support independent living and also offer employment. We have been busy offering training in Handicrafts, tailoring, bakery , carpentry, hairdressing among others.
The training will help the children achieve independent living and contribute to the development of the community.
The bakery training has helped them learn how to make donuts which are sold to the local retailers. The children make the donuts with the help of a trainer, and the teachers, pack them , and do the marketing and record keeping themselves. The donuts sell quickly, and they have to step up the production. Kamiat, Robert, Faridah, Little Brian, Robert, Esther , the two Shamims’ are the proprietors of the bakery. The big goal is to get a special room and equipment to help them as they grow the bakery and baking skills.
Robert(deaf) has also excelled in tailoring and he can be hired to make a wedding suit!
We have new participants joining VICOBA. Our own Shamim is attending VICOBA classes and now wants to join a VICOBA group. The centre supported her to start up a water selling business and one of her goals in the next few months is to buy a water tank to have enough water to sell. She hopes to be able to achieve this through VICOBA and this will be a step towards achieving her goal of a healthy and productive life.
VICOBA is transforming lives. This month we are taking VICOBA to six new communities. We are confident that people will be able to lift themselves out of poverty.
Kitega’s church and community mobilization – Tusisimuke (also known internationally as Umoja) has empowered and equipped ten local churches to address community needs. The centre is now partnering with 10 new communities under the Church and community mobilization to address community issues related to; disability, Orphans and vulnerable children, modernisation and improvement of agriculture, Functional adult literacy, Sanitation and also expanding VICOBA to help individuals realize their dreams.
Kitega in the next five years:
The Kitega board and team will be away for a weekend of prayer and strategic planning in September. During this time the team will evaluate the current strategic plan and also launch the development of the new strategy 2018- 2022.
The team will also spend time praying for the future of the Kitega Centre. Many friends and wellwishers will be able to join in for this through prayer.
We have been blessed with several volunteers in the last months. They have served and their contribution is evident. Serving at the centre has always been a win -win, the centre benefits while the volunteer learns quite a lot through the experience.
We are excited for the next volunteers that will join the centre in the coming weeks.
We have also been blessed with interns from local Universities that have worked with the Centre.
Project Porridge:
We are grateful for the support that has enable the centre extend project Porridge to Katungulu school. Over 100 children benefit from project Porridge in this school. The head teacher reports that performance and attendance have greatly improved.
The children are also motivated to come to school where they are able to get a cup of Porridge and a meal at lunchtime than staying at home.
We have seen the wonders of project Porridge, and it has done so much for many that have to walk long distances to the school.
Let’s make it happen.