Local communities making it Happen – Tusisimuke
Kitega community centre Tusisimuke (also know as Umoja) focuses on empowering and equipping the local church to address the needs in its community.
This year the Kitega Centre has partnered with six new churches. The churches have been envisioned and equipped to address several needs in the community.
We are excited to see the local community taking the lead in designing projects that are aimed at addressing the needs in the community.
All the communities participated in the Information gathering exercise that greatly helped them understand their communities.
“ We usually get people who come and collect information from us but no one comes to share the findings with us, Tusisimuke has been made it possible for us to carry out a local survey and share the results that are helpful to everyone in the community” Ronald K (Information Gathering team member)
In the community survey, the survey teams were able to collect information about number of households, demography, access to basic needs and social services, income levels of people in the community, main economic activity, number of people with disabilities, orphans and Vulnerable children etc
Using this information they managed to do some analysis and come up with the most pressing needs in the community.
At the community meeting, each community was able to listen to its local information gathering team presenting the findings and recommendations from the survey.
“The discussions and participation is exciting, the local community are truly experts of their situation, they know it all and we want to see more communities” … James Kalule – Kitega Centre
The Participatory Evaluation process has now led to what we will be excited about in the next few months, local communities implementing local initiatives for development.
What are some of these communities going to do:
The local church in Katungulu is going to steer construction of Latrines. In a community of 300 houses only 60 homes have latrines. This has led to hygiene related problems and now the local church through Tusisimuke wants to see that more latrines are constructed.
In Kintabuli: Many children are not able to attend school, the locals have come together to build a school that will help many school going children access education. In addition the local committee will start up a programme to support children with disabilities.
In Bugomba: Poverty is the highlight, and they are now going to bring Community Resource banking that will help them address poverty, and also modernise agriculture.
They are also going to provide Functional adult literacy to the adults in the community.
In Kimmi Island, Sanitation is outstanding. This Island has over 1000 people, however access to latrines is a problem. The only latrine on the Island is for a fee and not very few can afford latrine construction. So the local initiative will help them construct a new latrine that will be used by over 250 people.
They have also started Community Resource Banking and this will see them uplift themselves. Through the community Resource Banking, they will also support Widows and HIV/ AIDS victims
In addition the local Island community will begin supporting orphans and vulnerable children to access basic needs and education.
These are just some of the many initiatives that will be happening in the next months, we are excited to see all this.
This is how people lift themselves out of poverty. All they need is to be empowered to take action.